Difference between One Way Slab And Two Way Slab‎

One Way Slab Two Way Slab
The ratio of longer span to shorter span is more than or equal to 2. The ratio of longer span to shorter span is not more than 2.
Main reinforcement is required and provided in only one direction for one way slab. Main reinforcement is required and provided in both directions for two way slab.
Bending occurs in one direction. Bending occurs in both directions.
One-way slab is supported by beams in simply two sides. Two-Way Slab is supported by beams in all four sides.
Depth required is more. Depth required is less.
Load distribution pattern in one-way slab is in one direction for shorter span. Load distribution pattern in two-way slab is in four sides.
In one-way slab, main steel is provided in one span. In two-way slab, main steel is provided in both span.

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Difference between One Way Slab And Two Way Slab