How to calculate length of chord for circle

This construction video tutorial shows the detailed process for determining the length of a chord in a circle with various formulas.

Radius = 2m = 2000 mm

Diameter = 4m

Spacing = 15 cm = 150 mm

Chord formula = 2 x square root (r2 – d2)

Where, r = circle radius

d = perpendicular distance from chord to the circle centre

Chord length = 2 x square root (r2 – d2) = 2 x square root ((2000)2 – (150)2)

Chord length = 2 x square root (3977500)

Chord length = 2 x 1994.37

Chord length = 3988.734 mm = 3.988 m

For chord 2,

Chord length = 2 x square root (r2 – d2) = 2 x square root ((2000)2 – (300)2)

Chord length = 3954.74 mm = 3.954 m

To learn the detail process, watch the following video.

Lecturer: L & T - Learning Technology

How to calculate length of chord for circle