How to calculate weight of steel

This construction video tutorial provides detail information on how to calculate weight of steel bar in kg.

Length = 15 feet, Breadth = 10 feet

In a drawing, downward bars are called main bar and upward bars are called distribution bar

The bars in short span are distribution bar and the bars in long span are main bar

For instance, we have taken
Main bar #4 @ 6” center to center

Distribution bar #4 @ 6” center to center

Calculation for main bars

Number of main bars = Total Distance/center to center distance + 1

Number of main bars = 15/0.5 + 1 = 30 + 1 = 31

Number of main bars = 31

Overall length of main bars = one bar length x number of bars

Overall length of main bars = 10 x 31 = 310 feet

Bars weight = D2/24 x L = (4)2/24 x 310

Bars weight = 0.6666 x 310 = 206.6666 lbs

Bars weight in kg, 206.6666/2.204 = 93.7689 kg

Calculation for distribution bars

Number of distribution bars = Total Distance/center to center distance + 1

Number of distribution bars = 10/0.5 + 1 = 20 + 1 = 21

Number of distribution bars = 21

Overall length of distribution bars = one bar length x number of bars

Overall length of distribution bars = 15 x 21 = 315 feet

Bar weight = D2/24 x L = (4)2/24 x 315

Bar weight = 0.6666 x 315 = 210 lbs

Bars weight in kg, 210/2.204 = 95.2813 kg

To get more details, go through the following video tutorial.

Lecturer: Civil Study

How to calculate weight of steel