Download Cost Estimation RCC Building Excel Sheet

So as to find out a specific item’s rate, the aspects having an effect on the item’s rate are analyzed cautiously as well as after that eventually a rate is determined with regard to the item. That method of deciding an item’s rates is referred as rate analysis or analysis of rates.

A specific work item’s rate (rate of a specific item of work) relies on the subsequent:

  • Details of works as well as material regarding their portion/proportion, quality as well as constructional process of operation.
  • Place/location of the work site as well as the distances out of/from source as well as transportation charges.
  • Materials’ quantity as well as their costs.
  • Laborers’ cost as well as their remuneration/wages.
  • Gain/Profit
  • Overhead as well as establishment charges

Materials’ cost on/at source as well as at the construction site.

The materials’ costs are considered as delivered at/on the site including the transport local taxes as well as additional charges.

Objective of rates’ analysis:

  • In order to determine the definite/real cost of every single unit of the items (items’ per unit).
  • To determine the efficient utilization of materials as well as methods in finishing the particulars item.
  • In order to determine the cost of additional items which aren’t offered in the contract bond, however are to be conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the department.
  • In order to modify the rates’ schedule because of a rise in the cost of labor as well as material or because of alteration in method.

Labour rates:

  • Mason / Brick level 1 Group INR 1000 per day.
  • Mixing rates of cement mortar INR 35 per m3.
  • Mason / Brick level 2 Group INR 500 per day.
  • Female mazdoor INR 500 per day.
  • Male mazdoor INR 500 per day.

Download: Cost Estimation RCC Building Excel Sheet

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Lecturer: Civiconcepts - Bhushan Mahajan

Download Cost Estimation RCC Building Excel Sheet