How to estimate the materials for an underground water tank

This civil engineering article provides some vital information on how to design underground water tank.

Tank design – 15000 UK Gallons Underground water tank

PCC is 20 feet 6 inch

RCC 9” thick wall with 1.5 percent steel (1:1.5:3)

RCC 9” thick base floor with 1 percent steel

Slab 1:2:4 Thick 5”

Depth 9’9”

Washout cover 2’ x 2’

Outlet pipe 4’ diameter. Tank interior size 18’ 4” x 15’ 4”

Sr. No. Description Numbers Length (feet) Width (feet) Height (feet) Quantity Unit
a. Excavation 1 20.5 17.5 10.08 3616.2 Cft
b. PCC 4” (1:3:6) 1 20.5 17.5 0.33 118.38 Cft
c. Plastic cover 1 20.5 17.5 - 358.75 Sft
d. RCC Base 1:1.5:3
Base slab 1 19.83 16.83 0.75 250.30 Cft
Steel 1 percent 1 250.30 x 1/100 = 2.503 x 222.31 556.44 Kg
e. RCC Walls 1:1.5:3
Long wall 2 19.83 0.75 10 297.45 Cft
Short wall 2 16.83 0.75 10 252.45 Cft
Total Quantity 549.9 Cft
Steel 1.5 percent 549.9 x 1/100 = 5.499 x 222.31 1222.48 Kg
f. Slab 1:2:4 1 19.83 16.83 0.41 136.83 Cft

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Lecturer: Civil Study

In What Way to Design Underground Water Tank and In What Way to Compute Quantities